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"The Cosmic Christ"

created 2008-2024 • 124 Minutes • 9 chapters

The experimental animated movie „The Cosmic Christ“ is a culmination of 25 years of my artistic and mystical practise. It is a psychedlic journey into the shared origin of all religions.

It explores many themes as Unio Mystica, the alchemical wedding of individual soul and the universal spirit of the universe, creation, holy geometry, Kaballaha, mysticism, spirituality, eternity.
But the magic of it can’t be described with words, you have to experience it for yourself. Watch 15 minutes for free now!


Yggdrasil's Children

created 2008 - 2015 • 50 Minutes • A Stargate Experience

My debut, ‚Yggdrasil’s Children,‘ explores our shared origin from the mystical tree at the center of the universe. It takes you on a profound journey back to the very source of your existence.

But actually there can’t be said much, you have to experience the artwork for yourself.

As the alchemists once said centuries ago: „Wherever we have spoken openly, we have said nothing. But where we have encoded something and written it down in pictures, there we have revealed the truth.“
Watch 10 minutes for free now!